Monday, October 25, 2010

Phenomenal Federal Food Drive

This photo was taken on October 21, 2010.

It was taken by a friend who works for a massive government agency. I won’t say which one, since I don’t want to get him in trouble for pointing out this particular absurdity. But trust me. It’s loaded with people.

You’ll note that the date of the food drive was June 1-17, 2010. So you may be asking yourself:

• Why is the donation box still there FOUR MONTHS AFTER THE FOOD DRIVE ENDED?

• How effing cheap are federal government employees that the best they could do was a box of whole grain pasta (which sucks) and a tiny cup of applesauce?

• And what’s with all the hands holding up the planet? It’s the “Capital Area Foodbank” not the “United Nations Foodbank.” I got news for you: if you plan on feeding the world with one box of whole grain pasta (which sucks) and a tiny cup of applesauce, you’d better be Jesus, and you’d better have something better up your sleeve than whatever you pulled out to feed 5,000 people with a couple of fish and a few loaves of bread.

This is the federal government. They can’t even pull off a half-assed food drive, yet they’re convinced they can run the nation’s health care system, power the whole country with windmills and coerce auto manufacturers into building electric cars that appeal to people with testicles.

The world’s longest, least-generous food drive should be predictive of how all of that will turn out. 

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